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Polish Moot FormatIn teams of 2 you compete in a two-phase process described below:STEP 1 - WRITTEN PHASEAs participants, you begin by analyzing a fictitious case on the basis of which you must write 2 memorials. One for the petitioner and the second for the defendant.STEP 2After you write and submit your memorials to the organizers, they assess your work. If you are one of the best 8 or 16 pairs (depending on the size of the competition), you advance to the oral (trail) phase.STEP 3 - ORAL PHASEHere you are randomly divided into a bracket (as shown on the right). About 15 minutes before each trial, you are randomly assigned a side (petitioner or defendant, depending on the rules of the competition). Each side has about 20 minutes to present their case based on their memorial. After that, each side has 5 minutes to offer a rebuttal to the arguments made by opposing counsel. During the course of the trial, the judges may interrupt you at any point to ask questions about the case and your arguments.STEP 4 - VERDICTAfter hearing your case, the judges (who are either real judges or someone skilled in the legal profession) will decide the case in favor of either the plaintiff or defendant. The winning side advances to face the other winners. This process repeats until the final verdict.